Get in touch

If you have an issue or question that requires immediate assistance, you can click the button [Chat with us] below to chat live with a Customer Service representative. If we aren’t available, drop us an email to the left and we will get back to you within 12 hours!

1.Due to a high volume of calls and a substantial amount of information, if your call isn't answered promptly, please don't worry. I will handle calls between 3 PM and 8 PM Los Angeles time every day (weekend calls will be processed on Mondays).

2.Email responses will be addressed within two days. If you haven't received a timely reply, it might be due to the overwhelming volume of emails. Please send a follow-up, and I will promptly attend to it. Alternatively, you can send me a text or a message on WhatsApp.

3.WhatsApp and text messages will be cleared and responded to daily, except on weekends.

Company Information

Saunaones LLC
Colorado Limited Liability Company